Monday, October 07, 2013

Saga from LAQ Essential

Awesomecake Mohini pointed me to the Saga Skin from LAQ, after I moped over Glam Affair's smudgy eyeshadow, which was a bit too glam (lol) urous for this sim's character. I quite like it, though I actually I shouted "WTF!" at the price.
Proud 1990L, and no appliers for slink included. As I haven't found any other Skin in meantime which could/would work, I squinted my eyes shut in an absolute "grrr" mode and bought it. Admittingly, the Details on this one is awesome. I love the lips, the nose, the eyes, it's nude and perfect. BUT SO EXPENSIVE! HOLY SHIT. And the cleavage looks squishy, but that might be my fault at not being good with boobs on shapes. Hurr hurr.
I just threw a simple Outfit together, as my char got a tooth plucked from a Drow that totally enjoyed doing that. It was a bloody, barfing, shuddering Scene and I adored every second of it.
So although she looks fine on the pic, imagine her with that wisdom-tooth-extracted face. Swollen Cheek, blood dripping from her lips, and miserable. Yup. Over and Outs :D

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